ABOUT MY NOMINATIONI was nominated for this award on Oct. 12, 2018 by The Boozy Housewife. Please click on her link and check out her content! You can also find her on social media. I will share her Twitter handle: @HousewifeBoozy. Her other social media handles can be found on her website. FLAWESOME AWARD RULES– Link back the Creator. – Display the Award. – List 3 flaws. – Tag 10 people. MY FLAWSNobody's perfect. I want to share with you some of the things that I consider a "flaw." However, I think that these flaws of mine serve a purpose in my life in order to make me awesome! 1. I READ IN TO THINGS A LOTMy mom always used to get so frustrated with me when I was younger because she would say something to me in a certain tone and I would read something off of her. While I'm sure this was annoying when I was young, I think it is kind of like a super power now. I feel like more people wear their emotions on their sleeves than those who care to admit it. I read people by their reactions and what they are saying and I can tell when they are frustrated or annoyed. This is a flaw, however, because there are those times when I get overthink things and it causes stress and anxiety. 2. I HAVE ANXIETYI was diagnosed with anxiety when I was in college. However, I know for a fact (especially when I think back to my childhood) that I struggled with it for much of my life. Anxiety is one of those things that makes life a bit harder, but also leaves room for never having a dull moment. Anxiety, for myself, is lowered when I'm doing something I love and when I am closest with God. I actually have this Bible verse II Timothy 1:7 taped to my computer. This verse talks about the fact that God doesn't give us fearful spirits, but gives up power, love, and self-discipline. I am so thankful to have many people in my life who understand anxiety and accept me for who I am! I am most thankful for a patient and loving husband who understands what my mind is doing and works around it to make sure we always have a great time. 3. I GO AGAINST THE GRAIN BECAUSE I'M STUBBORNMy family used to say that I'd argue with God about what color He made the sky. I've always been one to challenge norms. I think this is largely due to my hard-headedness. When I have my mind made up about something or how I want to do something, it is almost always set in stone for me. However, I am thankful that, throughout the years, I've learned how to at least listen to someone before choosing what I think is best. Even if I don't agree or if I think someone is having an emotional response, I still choose to listen. I think that age and experience is starting to catch up with me. I've learned that not everyone is just saying something to be nosy or controlling. THAT'S IT! THANKS FOR READING!
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