I started my weightless journey only about a month ago, but I've already experienced great results. For wellness Wednesday this week, I wanted to share this little life update/victory with my blog readers! MY WEIGHTLOSS REWARD | 15 LBSThis time around, I decided that giving myself non-food rewards when I reached my goal would probably make me work harder and try harder when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet and drinking water rather than other, more sugary drinks. For meeting my 15 lb weight loss goal, I decided to purchase myself a new workout outfit to inspire me to hit the gym, or at least to head out for a walk each day. So, as you'll see in the short video I've linked above, I purchased some leggings, which I absolutely love, and a v-neck shirt. I say in the video that the shirt is black, but it's actually dark blue. I clicked on the wrong shirt, so that kind of bummed me out when I picked it up from the store.
I wore the leggings this past weekend. They fit great and so does the shirt. They have an element of comfy compression, which keeps everything in it's place. That's perfect because I want to use them for working out. I wish I would have gotten a sports bra because I really only have one and it isn't worn for workouts, but I wear it around the house a lot. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video and I hope you'll subscribe to follow me on my fitness journey. You can follow me on Instagram and Twitter @gemusiclover. Let me know if you're interested in following me on Snapchat and I will open it up for you to add me! Thanks for checking in with me on this Wellness Wednesday. Hoping you stay fit until next time!