Now more than ever, families and friends are torn apart by differing beliefs, be them political, religious, or ideological. For some people, their beliefs did more than ruin familial relationships. Some paid with their jobs, their freedom, or even their lives. Keep reading to check out a is list of five (or more) people who were punished to the max for their beliefs. 1. NELSON MANDELA
By 1947, the U.S. government had formed the House Committee on Un-American Activities, which quizzed members of the film industry about their ties to the communist party. Some refused to answer, including Trumbo. They became the Hollywood 10. After serving time in prison for contempt, Trumbo and the others were blacklisted. He wrote under pseudonyms and the names of fellow writer friends. He wasn't recognized for his work until a few years before he died. Best way to learn more: See Trumbo at the Cape Fear Regional Theatre from now until March 17. Purchase your tickets online at! 4. MOST PEOPLE INVOLVED IN THE AMERICAN CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT
- Rosa Parks (Pictured): Refused to give up her seat to a white woman on a bus. Was threatned with violence. - Rev. George Lee: One of the first African American to register to vote in Humphreys County. He used his platform at church to encourage his congregation to register to vote. White officials of the time offered him protection if he stopped his campaigning, but he declined the offer and was killed. - Viola Gregg Liuzzo: A white woman who was transporting marchers from different parts of Alabama to join the now-famous Selma marches. She was shot and killed by a Klansman in a passing car. 5. JESUS AND HIS APOSTLES- Peter: crucified upside down at his request because he felt unworthy to die in the same manner as Christ. - Paul: Beheaded. - Andrew: Crucified. - Stephen: Stoned to death. - Thomas: Speared by four soldiers. - Matthias: Burned alive. -Matthew: Stabbed to death in Ethiopia. - James: Clubbed to death. Best way to learn more: Passion of the Christ movie.
October 2022